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Saturday, July 7, 2012

Pizza Pockets

Here is great kid friend meal!  Think Hot Pocket convenience with a homemade taste.

One package of Crescent Rolls
One 15 oz can of tomato sauce
3 tbs of Wild Tree Perfect Pizza Seasoning
2 cups of shredded mozzarella cheese
pizza toppings of your choice.

Combine tomato sauce and Wildtree Perfect Pizza Seasoning. Next separate can of crescent rolls into individual pieces. Spread a a bit of pizza sauce on half of the crescent roll pieces. Sprinkle some cheese on each ( be care not to add to much as you want all the ingredients to remain inside the roll. Next add your toppings. Roll each topped crescent roll up . Next take one empty crescent roll and wrap it around a filled crescent roll the opposite way so your ingredients are contained in your crescent roll. Bake according to crescent roll packaging baking instructions. 
* We made extra of these and put them in our freezer. Now we have our own pizza pockets that are ready to be stuck in our toaster oven.

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